It’s interesting how our idea of home changes with time, and how we make a home of different places among different people. Over the last two months we visited Matthew’s new place in Lake Village, Arkansas, Mark’s family in Pawley’s Island, and then my family in Houma. We met up with old friends from San Antonio for a day at Lake LBJ, and for the first time in over twenty years, I saw my dear friend Maria. With these visits, we celebrated new jobs, birthdays, endurance through sickness, and a new driver’s license. (Claude, Jr. stop growing up, now.) We celebrated thirty-plus games of mah jong (Bonnie, we missed you!) and football and soccer played to the hilt. And here at home, Mark and I celebrate every day the constancy that supports us all through constant change. Like Jaguar, who has been a constant presence all these years. This weekend, Elizabeth made it to Austin with Andrew for the big UT-Ole Miss game. They will be going back home to Houston pretty pleased...